If your travel plans include this beautiful African country, you might be wondering which travel insurance for Morocco is best to ensure comprehensive coverage for your new adventure.

Transportation, accommodation, and international medical insurance form the foundation for planning any trip. As experts in travel insurance, we at IATI have crafted this comprehensive guide to help you choose the appropriate insurance for your journey to Morocco. With our guidance, you can rest assured that you won’t have to worry about anything else except fully enjoying your experience.

In this guide, we will outline the necessary coverage and provide you with the easiest method to acquire your travel insurance for Morocco.

Why should you consider obtaining travel insurance for Morocco?

It is crucial to have travel health insurance specifically tailored for Morocco. Without it, a simple mishap could result in a substantial medical bill or inadequate healthcare.

Morocco eagerly awaits you, ready to surprise you with its unique culture, entice you with its gastronomy, and captivate you with its countless places to explore. Despite being considered the safest country in North Africa, unexpected incidents can still occur, potentially disrupting your trip if you lack proper coverage. A casual exploration of the Roman ruins of Volubilis could lead to a sprained ankle, indulging in Moroccan spices could result in indigestion, or even a health problem that could have occurred in your city could turn into a visit to a questionable medical facility with exorbitant fees. By securing reliable travel insurance for Morocco, you can rest assured that none of these concerns will bother you, and you will receive prompt treatment at high-quality facilities, allowing you to continue enjoying your journey.

one man with a camel in the desert in marocco

In addition to health-related matters, a comprehensive insurance policy should address any other potential issues during your trip. This includes coverage for incidents like theft or loss of luggage, which, while not an everyday occurrence in Morocco, can be relatively more common compared to other destinations. Therefore, embarking on a journey to this country without adequate travel insurance is simply unthinkable.

These are just a few reasons highlighting the importance of obtaining travel insurance specifically tailored for Morocco. Now, let us delve into the details of what exactly you require for a trip of this nature, enabling you to select the insurance policy that best meets your needs.

What is the best travel insurance for Morocco?

In the subsequent sections of this guide, we will outline the vital coverage you should seek in your insurance policy to ensure a worry-free journey. However, if you prefer to get right to the point, we recommend the IATI Backpacker insurance as the best option for travelling to Morocco (click here if your country of residence is within the European Union; click here if your country of residence is not part of the European Union). It offers comprehensive coverage specifically tailored for trips of this nature and provides the best quality-price ratio available in the market.

What features should good travel insurance to Morocco have?

Each country presents unique considerations for travellers. Just as a trip to New York would require coverage tailored to a city where healthcare costs are exceptionally high, a journey to Morocco demands specific coverage that differs from that of other destinations. The following are the essential components that your travel insurance for Morocco should include, encompassing the IATI Backpacker (click here if your country of residence is within the European Union; click here if your country of residence is not part of the European Union) insurance package.

24-hour assistance in your language

Can you imagine finding yourself in Morocco and having to communicate in Moroccan or English when seeking help during an emergency? It is essential to have the comfort of being assisted in your native language when you require medical attention or encounter issues such as theft or problems with your luggage. With our travel insurance to Morocco, the IATI Backpacker, you can always rest assured that you will be attended to in your preferred language.

Furthermore, our IATI Backpacker insurance provides round-the-clock assistance, ensuring that we are constantly by your side. If you reach out to us while abroad, we will even reimburse you for the cost of your call once you provide us with the receipt.

At IATI, we are committed to serving you in your language, 24 hours a day, and free of charge.

Extensive medical assistance coverage

The Moroccan government strongly advise obtaining travel insurance for Morocco with a minimum of €50,000 in medical assistance coverage. However, with the IATI Backpacker insurance, we go above and beyond to ensure your protection by offering coverage of up to 500,000 euros for any potential health-related situations you may encounter. Our extensive network of medical centers guarantees that you will always receive care in facilities adhering to the highest quality standards.

brown buildings next to a forest in marocco

Adventure sports in Morocco

Morocco offers several thrilling activities that can transform your trip into an unforgettable adventure. However, it’s important to note that not all insurance policies provide coverage for such activities. Many policies tend to exclude adventure sports or require additional fees. Fortunately, the best travel insurance for Morocco, the IATI Backpacker, includes coverage for adventure sports.

In Morocco, you can immerse yourself in exhilarating activities such as surfing and kitesurfing in cities like Agadir, Tafedna, or Imsouane. You can also embark on cycling routes through untamed valleys or engage in trekking adventures in the Atlas Mountains, reaching altitudes exceeding 4,000 meters above sea level. All of these experiences, along with snorkelling and many others, are fully covered when you choose the IATI Backpacker insurance.

No deductibles and you pay nothing out of your pocket

When purchasing international insurance for Morocco, it is crucial to pay attention to deductibles. Many companies may advertise low prices for their policies, but upon closer inspection, you may discover hidden details specifying deductibles of €75 or €100.

This means that if you require medical assistance, you would be responsible for paying the initial €100 out of your pocket, and if the expenses exceed that amount, the insurance company will cover the rest.

At IATI, none of our policies includes deductibles, ensuring that you will never have to bear any portion of the medical expenses in Morocco or any other destination. You can have peace of mind knowing that you won’t face unexpected out-of-pocket costs when seeking medical assistance.

No advance payment for medical assistance

Once you have obtained your travel insurance for Morocco, you can rest assured that you won’t have to make any upfront payments. Unlike other companies that require you to pay for medical assistance and then go through the hassle of reimbursement claims, IATI simplifies the process.

Here’s how it works: When you require medical assistance, simply contact us, and we will provide you with information on which medical center to visit. Upon arrival, the center will be expecting you, and we will handle all the costs associated with your visit, including any necessary tests or prescribed medications.

In the event of an emergency where you are unable to contact us before seeking medical attention, all you need to do is submit the bills from your visit, and we will reimburse you as quickly as possible. We aim to ensure a seamless experience without any financial burdens for our insured travellers.

Baggage loss and theft are included

Even though Morocco is one of the safest countries in Africa, issues related to luggage and theft can still arise. When selecting travel insurance for your trip to Morocco, it is important to consider this factor and choose a policy that provides specific coverage for these incidents.

With IATI Backpacker insurance, you will be covered for up to 1,500 euros in the event of loss or theft with violence. Additionally, this travel insurance for Morocco offers up to 60,000 euros for civil protection, which protects you in case of personal injury or property damage to third parties.

blue building with plants in marocco

Cancellation Option – Cancelling your trip to Morocco

The preparations for a trip of this nature include booking flights, arranging transportation within the country, selecting accommodations, and planning various activities. Consequently, you may be concerned about the possibility of getting stuck and being unable to travel, resulting in a loss of money.

IATI was a pioneer in addressing this demand by offering a solution in its insurance policies. When you purchase travel insurance for your trip to Morocco, you have the option to include the Cancellation Supplement. This supplement protects up to 2,000 euros if you are unable to embark on your trip due to one of the specified reasons outlined in its terms and conditions. This coverage allows you to recover the invested funds that you would otherwise be unable to obtain from your travel providers.

Thanks to IATI Backpacker, you are protected both during your trip to Morocco and before you depart for the country.

The coverage of travel insurance to Morocco

Now that you are aware of how essential it is to have insurance when travelling to Morocco and know which coverages you must have, here are all the details. On the IATI Backpacker page (click here if your country of residence is within the European Union; click here if your country of residence is not part of the European Union), you can see all the detailesd information.

Here, as a summary of the main coverages, we show you this table so that you can visually know the major coverages of your policy.

Travel Insurance for Morocco Medical Expenses Coverage Theft and baggage damage Repatriation Cancellation fees (optional) Adventure sports
IATI Backpacker 500.000 € 1.500 € 100% 2.000 € 100%

morocco with sunset

How much does travel insurance to Morocco cost? 

The information that will convince you that IATI Backpacker is the best travel insurance for Morocco is its price.

This shows you that your international medical insurance is a tiny part of your travel budget that, on the other hand, will become a huge saving in case you need any type of assistance once you’re there.


International health insurance Price for 1 week Price for 2 weeks Price for 3 weeks
IATI Backpacker 50,56€ 82,72€ 103,84 €

How to purchase the best travel insurance for Morocco

Purchasing your travel insurance for Morocco is a quick and simple process. Here are the steps:

In the menu, you will need to enter the details of your trip:

  • Your place of residence
  • The destination of the trip: in this case, Marocco
  • The start and end dates of the trip
  • The number of travellers
  • Type of insurance: travel insurance

After completing the menu, click on “Get a quote”, select your IATI Backpacker and then click on “Contract”. At this point, you will have the option to add the Cancellation Supplement that we mentioned earlier, which will allow you to recover up to 2,000 euros in case you have to cancel your trip due to any of the situations covered. This is the favourite supplement of travellers who trust us, and it is worth it!

Enter your personal information, make the payment, and you will receive all the information about your travel insurance to Morocco in your email, along with details on how to contact us in case you need any assistance.

That’s it! It’s that easy to purchase your policy for Morocco.

Useful information for travelling to Morocco

Best time to travel to Morocco

The ideal time to visit Morocco is practically throughout the year due to its location in North Africa and its Mediterranean coastline. In terms of climate, the best months to plan your trip are April, May, October, and November, as temperatures are more moderate during this time. If you choose to travel during the summer months, especially in desert areas, be prepared for extremely hot temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. Conversely, during winter, temperatures drop and it’s advisable to pack some warm clothing.

boats on a beach in morocco

Security in Morocco

Morocco is widely regarded as one of the safest countries in Africa. However, to ensure a trip with the utmost security, it is advisable to consider certain details and avoid behaviours that may put tourists at risk.

Health in Morocco

Outside of major cities in Morocco, it can be challenging to find high-quality medical care. Additionally, medical services are often quite costly.

That’s why it is crucial to have travel insurance that covers your trip to Morocco, providing you with protection in case you require medical assistance. With IATI Backpacker insurance, you can conveniently and freely access the finest specialists in the country. Don’t hesitate to obtain your insurance now and embark on an incredible journey in this breathtaking country!